Sedetik saja takkan terlupa
Rasanya ingin lagi berjumpa
Awal pertemuan lembut terdengar
Saat kau jabat erat jemariku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku (malam-malamku)
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Passivesentencesor commonlyknown asVoiceor PassivePassiveSentenceorsome callPassiveFormsis one form ofa sentencein English. In anutshelldefinition ofPassiveVoice meanatransitiveverbformswhicharethe subjectofEnglishgrammarberpelakusentenceas'patients', iethatreceivesthe actionofajob. Passivesentencesare generallycontrastedwithActiveSentencesor commonlyknown asthe ActiveVoice, this phrasemeansatransitiveverbformin whichthe subjectofthe sentenceberpelakuas'agents', ietheactionofajob.
The shapeof thePassiveVoice(passive voice) is: TOBE/BE+VERB3
In thepassiveform ofthe sentence, usuallyfollowedbythe phrase"by".
Present Tense
Simple Present Tenseis thetenseused to expressan actionoractivitythattakes place/happeningatthe current time ina simpleform, activityorwork performedrepeatedly,daily habits,eventsoractionsthathave nothing to dowithtime, andtoexpressa generaltruth.
Simple Present Tenseuse this type of"TO BE1" and"VERB 1"
TOBE1consistingof:am, is, are(for more information, seethe following table)
Do / Don't
Does / Doesn't
NOTE: DOandDOESusetheinterrogative sentence. DO NOT(DO NOT)andDOES NOT(DOES NOT)usedinnegative sentences. 1TOBE(am, is, are) usedasanelement ofa sentencenoverb(NON VERB)
ExpressingSimple Past Tensesentencethat uses theverb(VERB)
Subject + Verb 2 + Object
Subject + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + Verb
1 + Object
DID + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?
Question Word + DID + Subject +
Verb 1 ?
He bought
a pair of shoes yesterday.
didn't buy a pair of shoes yesterday.
Did he
buy a pair of shoes yesterday?
Jawaban: Yes He did, atau No,
He did not (didn't)
Why did
he buy a pair of shoes yesterday?
3.Present Progressive Tense
PresentProgressiveTenseis thetenseused to expressan action, stateoreventthatwas happeningat the timediscussed.
NOTE: On the use ofPresentProgressiveTenseverbusedmust endwith-ing /(Verb +ing). PresentContinuous Tenseform oftimeusing this type of"TO BE1".
Subject + To be 1 + (Verb + ing) +
Subject + To be 1 + NOT + (Verb +
ing) + Object
To be 1 + Subject + (Verb +
ing) + Object ?
Question Word + To be 1 +
Subject + (Verb + ing) + Object ?
Example :
We are
studying now.
We are
not (aren't) studying now.
Are you
studying now?
Jawaban: Yes I am, atau I, am
What are
you doing?
Jawaban: I am studying now
Who is
studying English?
Jawaban: She is studying
4.Past Progressive Tense
PastProgressiveTenseis thetensethat is usedtoindicatethattwoeventsoccurat the same time, buttheincidentoccurredearlierandwas stillin progresswhenthe secondincidentoccurred.
NOTE : On the use ofPastProgressiveTenseverbusedmust endwith-ing /(Verb +ing). ProgressiveTensePasttenseusing thetype of"TO BE2" (was / were).
Wastosubject:I,she,he, it. Wereonthe subject:you, they, we.
FormulasandExamples ofPastProgressiveTense
Subject + To be 2 +
(Verb + ing) + Object
Subject + To be
2 + NOT + (Verb + ing) + Object
To be 2 +
Subject + (Verb + ing) + Object ?
Question Word
+ To be 2 + Subject + (Verb + ing) + Object ?
Example :
I was walking down the street when it began to rain.
When i was in the park, the sun was shining.
It was not raining when i went to the market last night.
They were not playing football when you were not at home.
Was he studying when I arrived at home?
Jawaban: Yes he
was, atau he, was not
Why were you reading that book?
What was she doing with this document when all the staff went home?
5.Present Perfect Tense
PresentPerfect Tenseis thetenseused to expressan action, stateor event thathappened in the past. Andat the time ofspeakingactivities/actionshave beencompleted.
PresentPerfect Tenseusing thetype of"TOBE3" and"VERB 3" TOBE3is: been(for more information, seethe following table)
6.Past perfect tenseisaverbformthat isusedtodeclarethatanactionhas beencompletedatsome pointin the pastbeforeanother actionoccurs. Actionwhichhas beencompletedin the pastitmayoccur repeatedlyoronlyonce. In addition, thepast perfect tensecan also beusedtoestablishifthe type3conditionalsandreportedspeech.
The formulaPast Perfect Tense
Past perfect tenseis formedwiththe auxiliary verb"had", and thepast participle(verb-3). Hadusedfor bothsingularandpluralsubjects. Whilepast participlecan be eitherregularorirregularverb.
Causativeverbis a verbthat isusedtoindicatethat thesubjectis notdirectly responsible forthe actionthatoccurred, but someoneorsomething elsethat isdoingtheaction.
Functions&FormulasCausative Verbs
Causativeverbphraseis dividedintotwokinds, namelyactive(active) andpassive(passive). Inactivesentencescausativeverb, an agentwho worked onthe actionare known. In contrast, thecausativeverbpassivesentence, the agentis usuallynot mentioned.
Let, make,have, andgetacausativeverbin common use,there isan actionthatusesthe bareinfinitiveverbform(infinitive withoutto) and some aretothe infinitive.
RelativePronounis apronountoform anounthat describesthe relativeclausein the mainclauseof acomplexsentence. Intherelativeclause, the relative pronouncan functionas subject, object, orpossessivepronouniswherethethere is no differencein thenumber(singular orplural) andgender(male orfemale). Thesepronounsinclude: who, Whom, Whose, roomates,andthatindefinitepronounandthesuffix-ever, namely: whoever, whomever, andwhichever.
The relative pronounis partof arelativeclausethat can notstand alone, butare inthecomplexsentence(complex sentence). Whilecomplexsentenceis a combinationof theindependentclause(complete sentence) and thesubordinateclause(relativeclause). Formore detailspicture, can be seen inthe following formula.
Adapun contoh relative pronoun (bold)
pada relative clause (garis bawah) di dalam complex
sentence dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Kalimat Relative Pronoun
(siapa) whoever
Relative pronoun ini berfungsi menghubungkan noun berupa orang
(subject/object of sentence) dengan verb pada adjective clause. Di
dalam adjective clause, relative pronoun ini berfungsi sebagai
subjek atau objek.
The boy who
is playing football on the yard is my neighbour.
(Anak yang sedang bermain sepakbola di lapangan adalah tetanggaku.)
Who merupakan subjek dari verb= is playing dan
memperkenalkan adjective clause yang
menerangkan subjek= the boy.
I looked for the man who
borrowed me money.
(Saya mencari pria yang meminjami saya uang.)
Who merupakan subjek dari verb= borrowed dan
memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan the man.
Berfungsi menghubungkan noun
benda, binatang, atau kadang-kadang orang (subject/object of
sentence) dengan adjective clause.Which lebih
spesifik dari what. Di dalam adjective clause, relative
pronoun ini merujuk kepada subjek atau objek.
The table which
was made of oak wood has broken.
(Meja yang dibuat dari kayu oak sudah patah.)
Which merupakan subjek dari verb=was made dan
memperkenalkan adjective clause yang menerangkan subjek= the
He always eats bread whichever
he likes.
(Dia selalu makan rotu yang manapun dia suka.)
Whichever merupakan objek dari verb= likes dan
memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan direct object=
/ milik siapa)
Relative pronoun ini berfungsi untuk menyatakan kepemilikan terhadap benda
maupun orang yang diterangkan pada bagian klausa-nya.
The woman whose
car I want to buy is my old friend.
(Wanita yang mobilnya saya ingin beli adalah teman lama saya.)
/ untuk
/ kepada siapa) whomever
/ untuk
/ kepada
Whom merupakan bentuk yang lebih formal dari who. Whom
sering diawali oleh preposition (berfungsi sebagai object of
preposition). Relative pronoun ini berfungsi sebagai
objek pada adjective clause.
She is the woman to whom you
should ask.
(Dia wanita yang seharusnya kamu tanyai.)
Whom merupakan object of preposition “to”
serta merujuk pada adjective clause yang menerangkan the
The team whom you
were watching has won three gold medals.
(Tim yang kamu tonton telah memenangkan tiga medali emas.)
Whom merupakan object dari verb= were watching serta
memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan subjek= the team.
Relative pronoun ini berfungsi untuk menghubungkan noun
sebagai benda atau kadang-kadang orang (subject/object of sentence) dengan adjective
clause.Di dalam adjective clause, relative pronoun ini
merujuk kepada subjek atau objek. That digunakan pada defining
clause (restrictive). That cenderung informal (dibanding who
dan which)
Cats that live in
the wild may have a better immune system.
(Kucing-kucing yang hidup di alam liar mungkin punya sistem imun yang lebih
That merupakan subjek dari verb= live serta
memperkenalkan adjective clause yang menerangkan subjek= cats.
The laptop that I
bought five years ago is still work properly.
(Laptop yang saya beli lima tahun lalu masih bekerja dengan baik.)
That merupakan objek dari verb= bought serta
memperkenalkan klausa yang menerangkan subjek= laptop.